As we approach the 30th anniversary of that famous night in Rotterdam, we can but reflect on what has changed over the past thirty seasons. The "Super League" debacle may have been the culmination of this squalid project; but make no bones about it, everything that has been happening since 1992 on the part of the Premier League, UEFA, FIFA, and the larger clubs has been to take football away from its traditional fanbase and monetise it for the benefits of those who can extract the most from it.
Our club is just one of many that has been bought by speculators and asset-strippers whose only concern has been the amount of money that can be extracted from their investment, without a care for the fans - our function reduced to consumers who can be easily monetised.
We have four new designs out this week. We proudly identify as "Legacy Fans" - those veterans of Rotterdam '91 and the like whose support is equally taken for granted and discouraged as not being sufficiently "on brand". We rally against modern football and everything it stands for. And we pay tribute to Bestie and Eric: two Red heroes from either side of that 1992 Rubicon, the latter of which has been unstinting in his support for the real spirit of Manchester United which lives on, despite everything.